DIVS.IO is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that has a different business model that rewards you with Tron

Centralized and decentralized exchange platform. Both have the same function but have different bases. Usually, centralized exchange platforms are controlled by a specific party. And for a decentralized exchange platform, it is an automated platform, the user is in full control of assets, trades and more.

Our vibrant and enthusiastic community has lots of questions to ask. For those who want to get to know DivsExchange quickly, we are sure our company will help you. We combine several centralized exchanges into one user-friendly interface that is easy enough to use for everyone, what makes us special is that we share the fee exchange with our users who are staking our tokens We have created this company that will bring change to the industry by redistributing most of the exchange fees to users as weekly rewards.

Divs.io is a new decentralized exchange that rewards its users with Tron tokens. 0.5% of all Div trading volume is distributed to DIVS token holders in the form of TRON. The DIVS token is a cryptocurrency that is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2021. If you plan to trade on Div it is important to keep these new tokens after launch as they give you weekly dividends on all trading volumes. This is a great source of passive income because all you need to do to make money is hold and stake tokens for the long term.



DIVS provides exchange services that have a different business model than similar platforms. Because, Divs, the first exchange to reward the user with an exchange fee. Therefore, the DIVS business model is considered a "game-changer" in the industry. However, that's not all that differentiates DIVS from its competitors, here are the features offered by DIVS;

Low Cost: The  fees offered by DIVS are quite low compared to competitors. DIVS only charges 1% fee for each transaction made by users.

Third Party API:  Div has delivered an easy to use exchange interface using a trusted API provider.

No Registration Or Registration:  Users do not need to register or register when using the DIVS service.

Exchange:  The exchange process is very easy and doesn't take long, it will usually be completed in 5-30 minutes, but can be much quicker than that.

Favorite Coins:  DIVS offers users a choice of more than 200 tokens to exchange. In just 3 easy steps users can make trades.

Rewards:  Users can get prizes in the form of Tron tokens if they become DIVS token holders.



Each exchange has a minimum fee of 1%: Exchange fees vary depending on how the trade is executed and the cryptocurrency involved in trading. The API uses multiple centralized exchanges to make trades and can even arbitrage from one exchange to another. Coins / tokens experiencing high network congestion can affect overall costs.

  • 5% goes to the betting DIVS token holder
  • 4% + goes to our API provider to process the exchange
  • 09% went to the DIVS team
  • 01% will be used for buyback and increase liquidity
  • $ 450k will be paired with TRX and provided as liquidity on Justswap as soon as the pre-sale is complete.

Token Allocation


Token Distribution


All USD Values ​​Are Based On Tron Prices At $ 0.028.

_ Pre-sale Fund Allocation_




Q1 - DIVS.io V2. Website launched Jan 2 
Q1 - Integrate Div exchange with other company websites, apps & dapps generating more volume 
Q1 - DIVS tokens and staking contracts will launch Q1 2021 
Q1 - DIVS Token Presale launches Jan 9th 
Q1 - Last DIVS on Justswap.io after the pre-sale, then ran a marketing campaign to build the 
K2 deployment - the DIVS mobile app that will launch in Q2 
- V1. Website development & integration & API 
Q2 exchange - Create core compounding contracts as in edition to the 
Q3 ecosystem - DIVS.io V1. website and exchange Launched 
Q4 - Smart contract development & UI awards Div



The best part about Div is that we can scale it, the Div integration service can provide crypto projects and other websites with the same exchange services integrated right into their site, even with their own look, feel and coins. It provides project owners onramp, pointing users with other coins / tokens into their ecosystem easily. Project owners can then purchase DIVS tokens, stake, and generate weekly Tron prizes for their team or community. This integration can provide a consistent flow of Tron rewards projects, while strengthening the Divs ecosystem by generating more volume of Tron rewards and exchanges.

For more information, visit us at:



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