
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2020

Kitty fight

Kitty fight  a game where cats / kittens fight each other based on crowd based action Kittiefight Overview Today we're going to talk about a rising DAP called kittiefight.  There are many different earning possibilities with this project which we will cover in many posts.  In this post, this is just an overview.  I'm not going to go into deep detail about the real tokenomics and economics there's a lot of nuance and depth to how it all works and you won't get it on a first run drone on a website.  You might take the time to understand everything so it might get a little confusing at first but it's that complicated okay even I haven't got it one hundred percent and I have to really read a lot of this stuff like many times for I understand and in this post I'll cover overview and then talk about the team,  #This isn't financial advice but definitely do your own research when it comes to any project out there, don't just take my opinion but let's ge...

x Humanity

      x Humanity An overview Personal data associated with millions of accounts lost or sold by social networks.  Activity on social media applications is tracked without consent.  Decisions are influenced with the help of automation programs, trawl farms and other means of controlling the masses.  These are some of the actions that define most social media applications today. In these circumstances, the concept of reputation has almost lost its meaning.  If your reputation is faked and artificially raised, you will lose faith in your system if you can sell certain reputable accounts.  No social media system is aimed at solving this problem.  Moreover, they do not aim to create a fair reward system for honest users. For all this, you can add tons of accounts with fake IDs or dummy accounts.  All of them have enormous benefits for the company controlling the application, and through it, for the entire community.  In the end the quali...


    xKemanusiaan Gambaran Data pribadi yang terkait dengan jutaan akun hilang atau dijual oleh jejaring sosial.  Aktivitas di aplikasi media sosial dilacak tanpa persetujuan.  Keputusan dipengaruhi dengan bantuan program otomasi, peternakan pukat, dan cara lain untuk mengendalikan massa.  Ini adalah beberapa tindakan yang menentukan sebagian besar aplikasi media sosial saat ini. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, konsep reputasi hampir kehilangan maknanya.  Jika reputasi Anda dipalsukan dan dinaikkan secara artifisial, Anda kehilangan kepercayaan pada sistem Anda jika Anda dapat menjual akun bereputasi tertentu.  Tidak ada sistem media sosial yang ditujukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.  Selain itu, mereka tidak bertujuan untuk menciptakan sistem penghargaan yang adil bagi pengguna yang jujur. Untuk semua ini, Anda dapat menambahkan banyak sekali akun dengan ID palsu atau akun boneka.  Semuanya memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar bagi perusahaan ya...