
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2019


Freelanex - Die Blockchain- Generation als  erste Wahl in der Welt der Freiberufler Technologie beeinflusst unser tägliches Leben erheblich und treibt Veränderungen in unserer Welt zum Besseren voran. Lesen Sie unseren neuen Artikel und machen Sie sich ein klareres Bild davon, wie diese Technologie funktioniert. Und dieses Mal werde ich einen Artikel über Freelane schreiben, in dem freiberufliche Mitarbeiter zuverlässigere und sicherere Arbeitsbedingungen vorfinden. Inzwischen gibt es weltweit zig Millionen Gelegenheitsarbeiter. Rund 35,5% von ihnen leben und arbeiten in Europa. 29,2% - in Amerika; 28% in Asien; 10,1% in Afrika. Freelanex wird alles auf einer Plattform kombinieren. Freelanex nutzt die Möglichkeiten von Blockchain und künstlicher Intelligenz, um die größte und vertrauenswürdigste Online-Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen, indem Freiberufler mit Millionen von Arbeitgebern und Stellenangeboten zusammengebracht werden. Mit der Freelanex-Plattform finden Sie den Job,...


2Ether What is so special about 2Ether? Using new data analysis, we collect the best ideas, suggestions for improvements and startups. Thanks to 2Ether, you can launch IEO and get funding for your idea in just two days.  The 2Ether team has several main objectives: Encourage independent CPU / GPU miners and protect it from the dominance of mining land using ASIC hardware. This is very important now because the award block on Ethereum has been cut by one third, and the market price is still quite low. Mining Ethereum stopped profitable, pushing small miners out of the market. We realize that inflation can be a problem for any digital currency, so prizes should be reduced over time. But it's not true that ASIC agriculture survives in any market conditions thanks to its economies of scale, while GPU miners suffer. 2Ether solved this problem thanks to its innovative system of dynamic gift blocks. Basic rewards gradually decrease with time. At the same time, this is ...


DACX   blockchain-powered platform that bridges real commodities with crypto assets WHAT IS DACX? DACX is a blockchain-powered platform that operates by bridging the best by involving profitable real commodities and crypto assets, encouraging the reuse of funds of that size to drive the international circular market.  Through hosting innovative safety attributes, DACX introduces machine learning for real-time market surveillance to stop questionable activities and security threats. INTRODUCING DACX The blockchain industry has gone through various stages of innovation, development and growth.  One such change is the DACX Platform which provides high-performance networks and artificial intelligence to help generate profits in the market.  The best vision is aimed at providing a more efficient performance, complaints and security guarantee market.  This also includes solutions for retail partners and instructional levels, too.  D...